KWI Money Market Fund
An open-ended money market fund
Renamed from Manulife Strength-Money Market Fund (MS-MONEY) More details
The Fund shall invest in financial instruments, debt instruments and/or cash deposits and/or other assets as specified by the Office of the SEC. For domestic investment, the Fund shall invest in instruments which maintain an investment grade rating as specified by the Office of the SEC.
The above securities must be payable at call or at sight, or have a maturity date of no longer than 397 days from the investment date; and the portfolio duration at any period must not exceed 92 days.
The Fund may invest not exceeding 50 percent of its Net Asset Value in debt instruments offered for sales abroad. It may also enter into a foreign exchange swap and/or forward agreement for the purpose of hedging against foreign exchange risk, taking into account the maximum interests of the Fund and the Unitholders. However, the Fund will not invest in or hold structured notes as assets of the Fund.